Man, I hate it when my blog gets hacked by clones! (Scroll to the previous post if you don't know what I'm talking about) That was pretty cool seeing the Podiobook author (something I plan on being) J.C. Hutchins release his first print edition novel through St Martin's Press: 7th Son Book One Descent<-listen to it on for free (warning lots of language, rated R). He put his book out for free as a podiobook back in 2006, built up a bunch of fans through a good story and sheer genius marketing, and he found a publisher for his book! Amazing. Yesterday he had fans let one of his fictional computer hacker characters hack into their blogs and twitter accounts. It was really fun, and a great way to spread the word about his print release.
Anyways, I'm doing Nanowrimo this year for the first time! What is Nanowrimo you ask? It stands for National Novel Writing Month. That's right, the goal is to write a 50K novel in the month of November. I don't think I'll be able to get 50,000 words in 30 days, but I'm sure I'll have over half of a novel written, which will be so awesome!
If you're doing Nano too, I'd love to be your writing buddy, so click here My Nanowrimo Page and add me.
Wish me luck, I've got quite a bit of the outline done so I should be ready to go this Sunday when November is officially here!
I've heard about nano, but have never participated. You'll have to let us know how it goes! Good luck.
ReplyDeleteI'll definately let you know how it goes. You can check that My Nanopage link once November starts, and see a graph with my wordcount progress. It's going to be crazy! I'm really excited to try it out. If anything, I'll get a bunch of writing done, and hopefully over half of a novel written. The goal is to finish the novel however. Thanks for the comment froghopper!