My latest short story "The Night the Lights Came On"

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I was interviewed on the Indie Authors Collective

I had the awesome opportunity to be interviewed by  Tahani Nelson, author of The Last Faoiii for the awesome writer's group I'm a part of called the Indie Authors Collective! I was asked a ton of great questions and it gives you a little peek into my world as a writer. I had a ton of fun answering Tahani's questions. Go check it out! 

Check out the interview here:

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Stories of Dan Dan The Art Man Bonus Episode "Slug Teeth"

Download the .mp3

In this bonus episode of Stories of Dan Dan The Art Man you finally get a new short story I wrote! This time, however, someone else is the narrator. I share with you The Melting Podcast episode 38 - Stoke the Fire and Mystery Meal. This awesome podcast has story prompts you can write a story from and submit to them. If they accept it they record it and put it on their show. They accepted my short story "Slug Teeth" and it's the first story you'll hear in this podcast episode. After that, there's another awesome story called "Monster Hunting" by Hugh J. O'Donnell. I give the episode a little introduction and then I give a little update afterward on what I'm up to with my writing. Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by!

The Melting Potcast website:

A link to their episode with my story:

Hugh's website:

My website:

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Friday, November 11, 2016

NaNoWriMo is Here Again!

Have you heard of NaNoWriMo? Here's a link to be my writing buddy! I'm doing it this year, but I also have a short story to finish for an anthology I'm going to be in so I don't think I'll be hitting 50,000 words during the month of November. Why am I still doing it? It's really fun! It's a great community of writers! I still haven't gone to one in all my years doing NaNoWriMo but there are cool local "write ins" where you can go to a local shop and write with a bunch of other people. I should go to one someday. And even though I probably won't get to 50,000 words I'm still being spurred on to write more than I usually do. Did I mention it's fun? Seeing the meter fill up as you post your daily word count is so awesome!

Here's the info on the book I'm writing for NaNoWriMo this year:

Ghost Slaying Realtor

Author: DanDanTheArtMan
Genre: Horror/Supernatural


A real estate agent finds a secret chamber under a church behind a bus stop bench. Inside are special glasses that help him to see into the spiritual world, and a special sword that can only be seen with the glasses on. It's invisible to the naked eye.
Finds huge houses and mansions that people can't sell because they're haunted. Buys them, destroys the ghosts with the special sword, and then renovates the houses and makes a crazy profit. Is a greedy self centered dude, but he's really cool. Suave and talented.
Something happens to make him choose to use his new found weapons not for profit, but for good. Goes up against a very dangerous group of gouls and in the end makes a selfless act to save someone else who doesn't even deserve it.