Review for "In Ashes Born"
I don't know how he does it. These books are like no Sci-Fi I've ever read. They are more akin to classical literature where not much happens externally in these quiet beautiful stories, but a lot is going on internally in the main character. This book was written with heart. I really enjoyed the many quiet scenes and descriptions of good meals among old friends. It's certainly a treat for those of us who set off on our first voyage with Ishmael when he was but a kitchen rat who knew how to make good coffee. I really enjoyed this story and can't wait to read the next book in the series. Time to set sail once again with some of the old crew and some new friends. Nathan's done it again.
Review for "To Fire Called"
It is so awesome to get more stories with these characters. I loved most of this book. So many great scenes with characters I've come to love. I really enjoyed all of act 1. There were a few slow parts near the end of act 2 that left me pining for more to happen and the plot was a bit confusing, but I was happy with the book once I finished it. Of all of the Solar Clipper stories this one is a 4 and every other book has been a 5. I'm done with this review because I'm ready to start reading the next one right now!
Review for "By Darkness Forged"
That was a really fun ride through the deep dark with some very beloved characters. It was so fun to set sail with them again after reading the Golden Age of the Solar Clipper books when they first came out a while back. It was great to see the protagonist, Ishmael, back in action in this book. He was like his old self again and seeing him emerge once more was very satisfying. I really enjoyed this last book and it was bitter sweet to read the last few chapters. I had a huge smile on my face and tears in my eyes because I loved it and it was coming to an end. So glad to have more adventures with Ishmael after the other books ended.
Head on over to Nathan's site to grab copies for yourself: