My latest short story "The Night the Lights Came On"
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
I'm on the Parsec Awards Nominee List!
My short story "Stuffed Monster," that was podcasted by the fantastic Mick & KatharinaBordet over at the Every Photo Tells Podcast, has been nominated for a Parec Award! That is so cool! I really want to thank Mick and Katharina because they're the reason my story has been nominated. How do I know this? Last year I had two stories nominated, Helsa's Secret Ingredient & Fezdon's Mistake, and those were also stories that they podcasted while I had a few more of my stories available that I podcasted myself that year. So a huge thanks to the Every Photo Tells podcast crew and to all people, or the person, who voted for my story. I'm really proud of that story and they did an amazing job podcasting it. Yeah!
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