My first thought on eBook prices was that they should be much less than a hardcover or even a paperback. My reasoning behind this was that there is pretty much no cost associated with creating and distributing an eBook. No printing, no shipping, no sending the copies that didn't sell back to the publishing houses. See these reasons from this wired article:
But at least some book publishers think charging $10 for a new release is not enough, even though:
a) Charging as little as $3 more seems to be enough, which is still a hefty subsidy of the cover price.
b) The economy of scale only improves the more e-books you sell.
c) The cost of producing an e-book is as close to $0.00 as you can get.
With this in mind I have been hoping that if I waited long enough I would be able to buy eBooks for only a few bucks; that eventually the hype would die down and prices would fall. I don't know if that will ever happen, and I'm not sure it should the more I've read and thought about this.

I wonder if there will be different versions of eBooks in the near future, at different price points depending on the content. Apple's iBooks, read on the iPad, can have color photos and video. So will there be a text only, text and full color photos, and text, photos and video version of the same book? Like the DVD model, perhaps they'll go towards the standard eBook, and then the special or extended version with a whole bunch of bonus features at a higher price. All we can do is wait and see, but what do you think? I'd love to hear your comments.
Also, for more on this topic, check out this great post by Published Tor author John Brown:
Amazon vs Macmillan = River Fighting to be Big Banana
UPDATE: Another great article on The New York Times website:
Apple’s Prices for E-Books May Be Lower Than Expected
UPDATE: A Survey on Ebook Prices from
Survey Results
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